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To book an appointment online you need to be a registered user in The appointment is made by choosing a service, a specialist and a convenient day and time for you.
Please contact us for further information
We appreciate that many potential new patients have had treatments elsewhere, or have researched certain treatments and would like to book in directly for these treatments. However, all our new patients have to undergo a full consultation and assessment first. We are outcome-focused, and we encourage all new patients to have an open mind about what we recommend to achieve your desired outcome. Cosmetic medicine is a rapidly changing field. What we recommend now may well be very different from what we would have recommended five years ago. It takes us an enormous amount of ongoing medical education to keep up with the latest research and opinions, and it would be impossible for consumers to be aware of these most current treatment options and how they relate to individual circumstances.
You are not purchasing a product or a treatment, you are relying on our expertise and experience to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Let us guide you on this journey.
Our skin is a living organ that renews itself every 28 days on a regular basis, it is vital to a person's health and general condition, which is why visits to the dermatologist are a must! Dermatology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all problems related to the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails.
The dermatologists at the Bellissimo Clinic prepare a comprehensive personal skin care program aimed at the individual condition of each patient. The individual skin care program includes: steps in home cosmetic care that the patient must follow; recommended dermatological and/or aesthetic procedures that are appropriate for each patient within the next calendar year; additional advice on the way of eating, taking nutritional supplements and other advice that will improve the condition of the patient's skin.
From the consultation with a dermatologist in Bellissimo you will learn:
Skin type and phototype Level of sebum production and skin hydration Level of skin photodamage Propensity to define states Appropriate and inappropriate cosmetic ingredients and products Must-have steps in home skin care Suitable dermatological and aesthetic procedures for you during the relevant season of the year Answer any skin, hair and nail questions you care about If there is an unusual formation or condition of the skin - a growing mole, eczema, severe irritation and itching, your feeling, bright redness, etc., you should see a dermatologist as soon as possible! Most skin diseases, including melanoma (skin cancer), are curable when detected early. Timely and proper treatment of any problem can prevent its worsening and development. Certain skin conditions can be recognized as serious health conditions. The dermatologist can order additional tests to make an accurate diagnosis and to determine the correct treatment.
At Bellissimo Clinic we understand that your decision to undergo a plastic rejuvenation surgery or procedure is a personal and important choice. Our doctors believe that, as people age, most of them want to rediscover or return to the appearance of their youth.
During your in-person consultation the doctor will carefully listen to your concerns and desires for cosmetic enhancements. By carefully studying your individual characteristics and listening to what concerns his patients have, the doctor gains an understanding of what aesthetic services are appropriate to achieve your goals.
The next step is a thorough review of your medical history including any conditions that may affect any procedures or surgery. This is followed by a thorough examination and then to obtain photographs for surgical planning and discussion of options and expected results.
During your in-person consultation process our Patient Care Coordinator will provide you with additional information about the recommended or desired services to allow you to become familiar with our policies and us with you. Your consultation will include a discussion of your treatment plan, which includes the cost and any financial options.
Helping patients achieve inner beauty is one of the most rewarding aspects of our work because if they are happy with their appearance, then others will see that beauty as well.
During the procedure, the patient receives information about the state of his skin, respectively about hydration, hyperpigmented spots, etc.
Ако се чувствате изморени от ежедневния стрес, тревожни от неясни емоции, не знаете как да поставите лични граници или сте изправени пред лични предизвикателства, тогава сте на правилното място. Индивидуалните консултации с професионален психолог са белег на лична отговорност!
Процесът на психологически консултации предоставя сигурно и доверително място, където можете да изразите своите чувства, мисли и преживявания без страх от осъждане. Психологът е там, за да слуша активно и да ви предостави необходимата подкрепа и да ви преведе през трудностите. Това ви предоставя възможност да разкриете корените на проблемите и да намерите пътища за решаването им. Психологът насърчава и помага да разработите ефективни стратегии за справяне със стреса, трудни ситуации и емоции, както и помага да се справите с тревожността, депресията и др. Също да подобрите връзките си с другите, като развивате по-добро разбирателство, комуникационни умения , способност за емпатия и умения за управление на конфликти. Да ви помагат да разберете себе си по-добре, да намерите своите стойностни черти и характеристики и цели, и да работите с тях. Започването на консултации с психолог може да бъде стъпка към подобрение на вашето качество на живот, емоционално благополучие и психическо здраве.
Laser treatment of nail fungus (onychomycosis) ND-yag
Removal of skin formations: fibroids, seborrheic and viral warts, warts and others
BTX can smooth out the wrinkles in men and women that result from chronic movements in the face, such as smiling, frowning, concentration. The presence of BTX at the correct “key” points, i.e., in the right muscular antagonists responsible for the various facial expressions, temporarily hinders their activity, so that the lack of movement of the person does not “divert” the neighboring skin, thus reducing the wrinkle deepening caused by the abovementioned mechanism.
BTX is commonly used in the upper third of the face, although the last few years also saw its use for “smoker’s wrinkles” – the vertical wrinkles that appear between the corners of the mouth and the chin, as well as the neck.
Ботокс за хиперхидроза на подмишници/длани/стъпала
Ботокс-венечна усмивка
Hyaluron Filler
Поставяне на филър в нос / Неоперативна Корекция на Нос
Поставяне на филър за оформяне на тяло/седалище,гърди/
Action: Indulge in a luxurious experience with our Royal Spa treatment, which provides intense hydration, rejuvenation, and deep cleansing. Combining high-quality cosmetic products and professional massage techniques, this treatment stimulates microcirculation, tones the skin, and restores its youthful glow. Your face will be completely refreshed, radiant, and rejuvenated.
Price: 180 BGN Duration: 90 minutes
Treat yourself to the best for your face. Restore your youth and freshness with the Royal Spa treatment, designed to provide luxury and care for your skin. Contact us to book your appointment!
Facial therapy
Hydrafacial + Медицинско почистване на лице (ексфолиация, пилинг, екстракция, регенериране, хидратация)
Колагеностимулираща терапия Sculptra
Какво е Pluryal Silk? Pluryal Silk е усъвършенстван биоревитализиращ продукт на основата на полинуклеотиди (PDRN) и хиалуронова киселина, създаден за дълбока хидратация, подобряване на текстурата на кожата и възстановяване на нейния здравословен блясък.
✔ Полинуклеотиди (PDRN) – ДНК фрагменти, които стимулират клетъчната регенерация, подобряват микроциркулацията и активират естественото производство на колаген и еластин. ✔ Хиалуронова киселина – Осигурява дълготрайна хидратация, запълва фините линии и възстановява кожната бариера. ✔ Глицин и Л-пролин – Незаменими аминокиселини, които подпомагат синтеза на колаген и подобряват еластичността на кожата.
✨ Дълбока хидратация и сияен тен ✨ Видимо подобряване на еластичността и тургора на кожата ✨ Намаляване на фините линии и първи признаци на стареене ✨ Регенерация и възстановяване на кожата след излагане на слънце или естетични процедури ✨ Успокояване на чувствителната и стресирана кожа
✔ Хора с дехидратирана и уморена кожа ✔ Пациенти с първи признаци на стареене ✔ Лица, търсещи по-гладка и сияйна кожа ✔ Тези, които желаят естествено подмладяване без драстични интервенции
Pluryal Silk се прилага чрез микроинжекционна техника, като процедурата е бърза, с минимален дискомфорт. Възстановителният период е кратък, а ефектите са видими още след първата процедура.
💎 Върни свежестта и блясъка на кожата си с Pluryal Silk в Bellissimo Clinic! Запази час и открий силата на биоревитализацията.
Поставяне на Скин Бустер
Fat Burn IV Therapy – Boost Your Metabolism and Achieve Your Goals!
Looking to enhance fat burning and improve your metabolism naturally? Fat Burn IV Therapy is designed to help you reach your weight loss goals while leaving you feeling more energized and confident.
💡 What’s in the therapy? • Methionine-l – An amino acid that supports fat breakdown and detoxification. • Inositol – Improves fat metabolism and helps regulate insulin levels. • Vitamin B12 – Stimulates energy production and enhances metabolism. • Vitamin B6 – Supports the metabolism of proteins and fats.
💡 How does Fat Burn IV Therapy work? • Boosts metabolism and improves fat-burning processes. • Aids detoxification and helps balance the body. • Provides energy and promotes healthy weight loss.
✨ Is it right for you? • If you want to support your weight loss journey. • If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to improve your metabolism. • If you need more energy and vitality.
Trust the Fat Burn IV Therapy at Bellissimo Clinic to take a step toward a healthier, more active lifestyle. Book your appointment today and take care of your body!
Hangover IV Therapy – Quick Recovery and a Fresh Start!
After a long night of fun and celebration, your body deserves instant relief and complete recovery. Our specially formulated Hangover IV Therapy will help you feel refreshed, hydrated, and energized to take on the day.
💡 What’s in the therapy? • Vitamin B1 and B2 – Support metabolism and energy recovery. • Taurine – Aids detoxification and reduces fatigue. • Vitamin C – Boosts the immune system and accelerates recovery. • L-Arginine – Improves circulation and supports regeneration. • Additional micronutrients – For hydration, balance, and full recovery.
💡 How does it work? Hangover IV Therapy delivers a combination of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants directly into your bloodstream to: • Relieve symptoms of dehydration and headaches. • Boost energy and improve focus. • Detoxify the body and restore balance.
✨ Who is it for? • Anyone needing fast recovery after an intense night. • Those experiencing fatigue, dehydration, or low energy.
Book your appointment today and treat yourself to the ultimate recovery experience with Hangover IV Therapy at Bellissimo Clinic. Give your body the fresh start it deserves!
HIM IV Therapy – Energy and Support for the Modern Man!
Specifically designed for the unique needs of the male body, HIM IV Therapy helps maintain optimal physical and mental performance. With its unique composition, it’s the perfect solution for recovery, energy, and overall health.
💡 What’s in the therapy? • Vitamin B8 (Inositol) – Enhances brain function and metabolism. • Vitamin B5 – Improves energy production and supports skin health. • Hydroxocobalamin Chloride – A powerful form of Vitamin B12 for energy and optimal nervous system function. • Zinc – Boosts the immune system and supports hormonal balance. • Taurine-L – Increases energy levels and enhances physical endurance. • Other active ingredients – For comprehensive male health support.
💡 How does HIM IV Therapy work? • Energizes your active lifestyle. • Improves focus and overall vitality. • Supports hormonal balance and helps restore the body.
✨ Is it right for you? • If you want more energy and resilience throughout your day. • If you want to support your health and recover faster after physical or mental exertion. • If you’re looking for a balanced solution to enhance your male health.
Choose HIM IV Therapy at Bellissimo Clinic to feel your best. Book your appointment today and take care of yourself!
IV Immune Boost is formulated to strengthen your immune system, providing your body with the essential nutrients needed to fight off infections, recover faster, and maintain optimal health. This therapy is ideal for those looking to enhance their immunity, especially during times of increased physical or mental stress, seasonal changes, or illness.
This therapy delivers a powerful blend of vitamins, antioxidants, and immune-supporting nutrients directly into your bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption and faster effects compared to oral supplements.
Administered by trained medical professionals, the procedure takes about 30-45 minutes. It is painless and safe, with many patients feeling revitalized immediately after the session.
"IV Immune Boost" is the ultimate therapy for a resilient immune system and enhanced vitality. Stay strong, energized, and protected!
IV Glutathione Therapy is a powerful method for detoxification and rejuvenation, designed to enhance overall health and appearance. Known as the "master antioxidant," glutathione plays a crucial role in protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals, toxins, and oxidative stress.
Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant in the body that supports liver detoxification, boosts the immune system, and provides a skin-brightening effect. When delivered intravenously, it is absorbed directly by the cells, ensuring maximum efficacy.
The therapy is administered in a comfortable setting by qualified professionals. Each session takes approximately 30 minutes, with noticeable results often felt after the first few treatments.
"IV Glutathione Therapy" is the perfect choice for those looking for a healthy glow, improved mood, and overall rejuvenation!
IV Mind is designed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and cognitive function. This therapy is ideal for those looking to improve concentration, combat mental fatigue, and maintain optimal brain health.
The therapy delivers a carefully selected blend of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins directly into your bloodstream, providing quick and effective support for brain activity and the nervous system.
Administered by qualified medical professionals, the therapy takes about 30-40 minutes. It is safe and comfortable, with noticeable results often felt after the first session.
"IV Mind" is your solution for improved focus, energy, and mental well-being. Refresh your mind and get back to peak performance!
IV Detox is the perfect solution for complete body detoxification, toxin elimination, and vitality restoration. Designed for those who want to enhance their overall health and feel lighter and more energized, this therapy is a fast and effective way to cleanse the body.
This therapy delivers a specially formulated cocktail of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption and quick results. It helps the body eliminate accumulated toxins, boosts metabolism, and increases energy levels.
The therapy is administered by qualified medical professionals and takes approximately 30-40 minutes. The infusion is comfortable and painless, with effects often noticeable the same day.
IV Detox is a fantastic way to give your body a fresh start and improve your vitality.
IV Energy is the ultimate solution for boosting your energy, improving focus, and restoring vitality. This therapy is tailored for individuals looking to overcome fatigue, enhance mental clarity, and fuel their body with essential nutrients for peak performance.
This therapy delivers a powerful blend of vitamins and amino acids directly into your bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption and immediate results. It’s designed to combat low energy levels, support brain function, and provide a revitalizing boost.
The therapy is administered by qualified medical professionals in a comfortable setting and takes about 30-40 minutes. The infusion is painless, and the effects are often felt shortly after the session.
IV Energy is your fast-track to feeling energized, focused, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Recharge your body and mind with this invigorating treatment!
IV Skin is specially designed to nourish your skin from within, promoting a radiant, healthy, and youthful appearance. This therapy is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their skin's condition, combat signs of fatigue, and support the body's natural regenerative processes.
The therapy delivers a blend of essential vitamins, trace elements, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream. This ensures maximum absorption and provides direct support to your skin's health and vitality.
The therapy is administered by qualified medical professionals and takes approximately 30-40 minutes. It is painless and entirely safe, with visible results often noticeable after the first few sessions.
IV Skin is the perfect choice for healthy, radiant, and revitalized skin. Nourish it from within and enjoy your natural beauty!
Myers’ Cocktail – Your Dose of Energy and Wellness! Would you like to feel refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day? The Myers’ Cocktail IV therapy is designed to support your immune system, boost your energy levels, and improve your overall well-being.
💡 What does it include? • Vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, and B Vitamins that act quickly and effectively.
💡 Perfect for you if: • You feel tired and run down. • You need quick recovery after stress, illness, or a busy period. • You want to strengthen your body’s natural defenses.
✨ Stay at your best with our personalized IV therapies! Book your appointment and give your body the care it deserves.
NAD + 1000mg
NAD + 250mg
NAD + 500mg
Super Muscle IV Therapy – Boost Your Strength and Recovery!
Your body deserves the best care when it comes to muscle recovery and achieving optimal physical performance. Muscle IV Therapy is specially designed for active individuals who seek quick recovery and enhanced endurance.
💡 What’s in the therapy? • Selenium – A powerful antioxidant that supports immunity and muscle regeneration. • d-Biotin – Enhances metabolism and promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails. • Hyaluronic Acid – Keeps joints healthy and hydrated. • Taurine – Increases energy levels and helps reduce fatigue. • Methionine-l – Aids in detoxification and cellular health. • L-Carnitine – Stimulates fat burning and boosts muscle energy. • Other active ingredients – For complete recovery and sustained energy.
💡 How does Muscle IV Therapy work? • Restores muscles after workouts or physical exertion. • Enhances endurance and supports energy recovery. • Boosts metabolism and detoxifies the body.
✨ Is it right for you? • If you are physically active and want to speed up recovery. • If you’re looking for support in achieving better physical performance. • If you need rapid regeneration after exertion.
Trust our Muscle IV Therapy to give your body the care it deserves. Book your appointment today and achieve your peak performance with Bellissimo Clinic!
PRP Face
Vampire facelifting
INJECTION LIPOLYSIS - (Decomposition of fat deposits) price per zone
Mesotherapy Face
Mesotherapy Hair
Трансформирайте кожата си с ново поколение лазерна технология!
MOVEO PL е иновативен подход за премахване на пигментни петна, хиперпигментация и пигментни лезии, който съчетава прецизност и ефективност за по-равномерен тен и свеж вид. Процедурата е изключително нежна и безопасна, подходяща за различни типове кожа и зони, като лицето, шията, деколтето и ръцете. Благодарение на уникалната технология на MOVEO PL, кожата се третира безболезнено, а времето за възстановяване е минимално, което позволява бързо връщане към ежедневието.
Ползи от MOVEO PL:
Този метод е особено подходящ за пациенти, търсещи ефективно решение на проблемите с пигментацията и нежеланите пигментни лезии.
Removal of dilated vessels - Removal of single hemangiomas ND-yag
Removal of skin formations: multiple
Morpheus8 is a safe and effective treatment option that utilizes radiofrequency technology to give the face, neck, and body a youthful appearance. Morpheus8 is an ideal treatment option for patients who would like to improve their facial appearance without undergoing laser or surgical procedures.
Plasma Therapy for the Intimate Area is an innovative and minimally invasive procedure that uses the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to regenerate and rejuvenate the tissues in the intimate area. The treatment is suitable for both women and men and has a wide range of applications.
Plasma therapy involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, which is then processed in a centrifuge to extract plasma rich in growth factors. This plasma is injected into targeted areas, stimulating:
The procedure typically takes around 30–40 minutes, with noticeable results within a few weeks. It is an excellent choice for improving self-confidence and intimate comfort.
“Phibrows Microblading is a technique for manually drawing fine, natural-looking hair strokes that enhance the beauty of your eyebrows. The method uses a special pigment formula and precise strokes tailored to your individual facial features to create the perfect shape and fullness. The procedure is safe and gentle on the skin, resulting in long-lasting, natural-looking brows. It’s suitable for anyone looking to fill in or shape their eyebrows, as well as those seeking flawless brows without the hassle.”
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Д-р Елена Гарова
Д-р Ивайло Стефанов
Д-р Мишел Попова
Д-р Симеон Личев
Елпида Атанасиу
Мартин Минев
Моника Маринова
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